الأحد، ديسمبر ٠٦، ٢٠١٥

Once upon a lonely night

So it comes once in a while this night ... This particular  night.

Driving my car with my sunroof open, enjoying this lovely breeze and the refreshing chill then I realize that there is just one thing missing ... One big humongous thing .. It is just that I am lonely ... So lonely my  friend.

I look to your empty seat and I swear to God I could see you giving me that innocent look. And I could see you blush when I caught you sneaking that other look at me.

I came back home ... Watched a funny movie, forced myself to laugh a bit and after the movie ... I just still feel this loneliness.

I searched for someone to call. Searched my 700+ names phone book, I couldnt find anyone to call.

I searched again found 2 names ... Probably I chose them because they live far far away ... In another continent a thousand miles away. I called them both but ... All I got was the cold voice mail.

Thank you .... Good night

I'll see you when I see you

P.S: this story is based on a true story just like the story of my life