الجمعة، مارس ١٨، ٢٠١١

good bye Milford ... good bye peace of mind

I had to spend two weeks on business in this calm town of Milford Massachusetts

This was a new experience to me in many ways:

This is the first time to me to spend 2 weeks alone in a foreign country. and actually even in Egypt I have never spent 2 weeks away from home alone.

This is the first time for me travel for 2 weeks on business.

This is the first time for me to rent a car and drive alone for a whole 2 weeks.

but over all, I am really happy with the experience.

I enjoyed real peace of mind in the quiet town of Milford. everything here is calm and nice. traffic is very nice, there is no noise or pollution at all. everything is available near by within a short driving distance. food, entertainment shopping malls.

It is really nice when it takes you only 10 minutes of pleasant driving to reach home. driving is
very enjoyable here .
The only bad thing is that I miss my family, and I miss being in Egypt in these historic days, when the first true referendum is taking place.

الثلاثاء، مارس ٠١، ٢٠١١

I see a better tomorrow in the horizon

I see a better tomorrow in the horizon
but the horizons is way way too far