السبت، يناير ٠٧، ٢٠٠٦

back from Dahab

So I am back from my much needed 5 days vacation.

I got into the bus heading to Dahab-Sinai at 00:45 Jan 1st 2006, the first hour of the year.

I don't know why I like Dahab that much, although it is a very small city with nothing special, in fact everything there is much less than acceptable I mean food wise or water wise or services wise, but I like it so much, actually I adore Dahab.

It is very calm there and peaceful, it is very simple and it is not gonna cost you much if one day you've decided to visit Dahab, there you will find the cheapest hotels ,food and shops.

As I said food is not good at Dahab but after all it is edible.

I spent a whole 4 days and half this time at Dahab, and I enjoyed everyday thank God.

I really felt like I left all my problems back there in Cairo and forgot everything in Dahab.

and when I came back to Cairo and to work I felt like it's been like 2 weeks since I left, not just 6 days.

I enjoyed some new things this time, Somethings I haven't done/seen before, like witnessing heavy rain in Dahab or seeing clouds on top of the mount Moses.

I will post a detailed article about my trip to Dahab and Taba soon in sha Allah.

شارون ما بين الحياة والموت

يرقد شارون الآن ما بين الحياة والموت، وبينما يتراوح شعور البعض ما بين الفرح لموت سفاح صابرا وشاتيلا والقلق لما سيسفر عنه غيابة الغير مرتب عن الساحة السياسية، أشعر أنا شخصياً بلا مبالاة نحو حالته.

أنا أعتقد أن سياسة دولة مثل إسرائيل لايغيرها شخص واحد، إنما هي خطط طويلة الأجل وضعت منذ زمن بعيد. وإنما شارون هو مجرد منفذ لهذة السياسات الموضوعة سلفاً.

لذا فإن مات شارون أو عاش شارون أو أتى شخص أخر غير شارون فإن سياسة إسرائيل لن تتغير إلا قليلاً. وستبقي الثوابت التاريخية وهي كره إسرائيل للعرب والعمل الدؤوب على إيذائهم سواء في السر أو في العلن. وسيبقى إيماننا الذي لا يتغير بأن الله سوف ينصرنا خير نصر في النهاية إن شاء الله.

Another year has gone

Another year has gone. The year 2005.

2005 was a remarkable year in which I started my real practical life.

I finised my computer diploma and started looking for the job which I consider my first real job, although I got my first job at 1999. Thank God I found a good job not so far after beginiing the search.

I changed quite much in this year, I got more cold toward people I am really sad for this but I really cannot help myself, I know many of my friends felt the change and even felt angry or disappointed because of me, Sorry my friends. maybe I need your help to become the one I used to be.

So 2005 was a good year for my practical life, bad year for my personal life.